22 October 2009

Wibiya Widget Interaktif Multi-Fungsi

Ketika saya mulai browser dengan chrome, saya buka blog mas medhy di blogguebo.com...saya menemukan sebuah toolbar yang unik di Blog mas medhy tersebut, seperti yang anda lihat di bagian bawah blog saya, saya kira itu effect dari chrome aja,(kayak di Facebook hehe)...tapi tidak,sya mencoba browsing dengan application laen seperti safari,mozilla,opera...toolbar tersebut masih ada...untuk mengenal lebih lanjut toolbar atau widget apakah itu?? baca artikel saya...makasih... =)

Widget apakah itu?

Wibiya. Wibiya adalah widget interaktif multi-fungsi berupa toolbaryang bisa dengan mudah digunakan untuk blog berplatform WordPress, Blogspot dan TypePad. Di dalam widget Wibiya, Anda bisa menemukan 11 fitur bagus yang akan membantu Anda meningkatkan interaksi dengan pengunjung blog Anda. Dan semuanya tentu saja GRATIS.

Apa saja fitur Wibiya yang bisa Anda manfaatkan?

1. Posts Navigator (Artikel Terkini dan Artikel Acak)
Dengan fitur ini pembaca blog Anda bisa menyimak kembali artikel-artikel yang telah Anda tulis, baik secara runtut ataupun acak. Hasilnya, jumlah page views blog Anda pasti akan meningkat.

2. Community via Facebook (Komunitas Facebook)
Membangun komunitas kini semakin mudah dengan fitur bagus menggunakan Facebook yang diberikan oleh Wibiya. Selain mempermudah cara membangun komunitas, fitur ini juga memampukan Anda untuk mengirim pesan kepada anggota komunitas Anda.

3. Twitter Widget (Widget Twitter)

Ingin meningkatkan jumlah followers Twitter Anda? Cukup gunakan Wibiya dan Anda telah memberi kemudahan kepada para pengunjung blog Anda untuk mengikuti Anda di Twitter.

4. RSS Subscribers Bar (Tombol Berlangganan RSS)
Fitur penting ini nyaris selalu ada di setiap widget interaktif. Dengan memanfaatkan Wibiya, setiap pengunjung blog Anda bisa berlangganan artikel-artikel blog Anda secara gratis melalui RSS Feed.

5. Sharing Bar (Tombol Berbagi Konten)
Ingin mempromosikan blog Anda? Dengan fitur Sharing Bar ini pembaca blog Anda tidak akan lagi kesulitan untuk mengirimkan artikel Anda ke situs-situssocial bookmarking semacam Digg, Delicious ataupun StumbleUpon. Semakin banyak yang "menyebarkan" artikel Anda, maka semakin tersebar juga kabar mengenai blog Anda.

6. Blog Searches (Kotak Pencari)
Widget Wibiya dilengkapi dengan fitur penting kotak pencari yang bisa dimanfaatkan oleh pengunjung blog Anda untuk mencari kata kunci tertentu, baik yang ada di halaman pencari Google maupun di blog Anda sendiri.

7. Translation Bar (Tombol Penerjemah)
Fungsi fitur ini mudah ditebak: memampukan penerjemahan artikel Anda ke dalam bahasa yang lain. Dengan menggunakan Wibiya, pengunjung blog Anda bisa menerjemahkan artikel di blog Anda hingga ke 20 bahasa.

8. Photo Gallery (Galeri Foto)
Ingin berbagi cerita melalui foto? Jangan khawatir. Dengan fitur ini Anda bisa menampilkan foto-foto pribadi ataupun keluarga di blog Anda.

9. Live Notifications (Kabar Berita)
Fitur ini unik dan inovatif. Dengan fitur Live Notifications, Anda bisa menulis pesan singkat 140 karakter yang bisa dibaca oleh para pembaca Anda dengan meng-klik ikon bergambar "orang" di bagian kanan widget Wibiya. Anda juga menyisipkan link dalam pesan yang Anda tulis.

10. Facebook Fan Page (Penggemar Facebook)
Siapa yang tidak kenal Facebook? Siapa yang tidak punya akun Facebook? Dengan fitur ini, Anda bisa memaksimalkan manfaat Facebook untuk membangun jaringan dengan para pengunjung blog Anda.

11. Games (HeyZap) (Permainan)
Jika Anda ingin memanjakan pengunjung blog Anda dengan sesuatu yang berbeda, tidak ada salahnya memanfaatkan fitur Game dari Wibiya. Game yang didukung oleh HeyZap ini pasti akan membuat pengunjung blog Anda betah berlama-lama di blog Anda.


Selain multi-fungsi, widget Wibiya juga bisa dikustomisasi. Misalnya, Anda bisa memilih fitur apa saja yang akan Anda tampilkan di widget Wibiya di blog Anda. Atau, warna toolbar Wibiya yang bisa Anda sesuaikan dengan temabackground blog Anda, mulai Pure White hingga Red Touch. Atau logo widget yang bisa Anda ganti dengan logo blog Anda sendiri (seperti widget Wibiya di blog ini). Atau Anda bisa menggunakan kotak pesan untuk mengirimkan pesan massal kepada anggota komunitas Anda.

Selain bermanfaat bagi pengunjung blog, widget Wibiya juga bermanfaat bagi pemilik blog. Pasalnya, Wibiya juga menyediakan toolbar statistic yang memberikan informasi lengkap mengenai data pengguna widget Wibiya. Misalnya, berapa banyak pengunjung yang telah menggunakan kotak pencari, berapa pengunjung yang telah membaca artikel acak, berapa pengunjung yang telah berlangganan RSS Feed, berapa jumlah anggota komunitas Facebook (yang mendaftar via Wibiya) hingga berapa jumlah pengikut Twitter yang bergabung melalui Wibiya.

Asyiknya lagi, widget Wibiya sudah mendukung bahasa Indonesia. Artinya, pengunjung blog Anda yang kesulitan berbahasa Inggris tidak akan mengalami masalah untuk memanfaatkan Wibiya. Selain bahasa Indonesia, Wibiya juga memberikan layanan dalam 20 bahasa yang lain, yaitu: Spanyol, Perancis, China, Jerman, Italia, Jepang, Portugis, Rusia, Turki, Yunani, Belanda, Arab, Polandia, Rumania, Bulgaria dan Bengali.

Sayangnya, setidaknya hingga hari ini, tidak semua blogger bisa memanfaatkan layanan Wibiya. Hanya blogger-blogger tertentu yang telah mengajukan invitation dan diterima oleh pihak Wibiya yang bisa memasang widget Wibiya. Namun toh tidak ada salahnya mencoba. Anda bisa mengisiform invitation di halaman homepage Wibiya, mengirimkannya, dan jika Anda dianggap memenuhi syarat, Anda bisa memasang widget Wibiya di blog Anda.

Tertarik mencoba menggunakan Wibiya?
klik link ini :

Silahkan, selamat mencoba. :)

ref : blogguebo.com

09 October 2009

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is often called a science which studies consumer behavior (user / user / website visitor), the behavior and the rules on search engine (www.google.com, www.yahoo.com, etc.) and what should we do on our website are managed, so that the website always appears at the top when users enter their keywords on search engines (SERP = Search Engine Result Page).

Next, use what? Just the simple fact that to attract new visitors to your site, and the Web became easily found by the right audience that is consistent with the products offered.

Undeniably, most or even all internet users will use when Serach Engine not know which sites would be targeted to meet their needs. Well this is interesting, because very few visitors would be willing, examine one by one all the search results. For a good reminder that the Search Engine absolutely necessary.
Then What ??...

First I need to stress that the website is useless without visitors or without order. Imagine if you have an interesting product, then you think to market on the Internet. For beginner course often hear the lure of Internet users that the Internet is a very effective market to market your product to the whole world. Perhaps this is an overview of the business into the Internet beginners:
After hearing that the Internet is very powerful because it can market your product, then with a little information and then purchase your domain name and hosting for your website.

First they tried to design their own website. Trying to buy a book about html and the results uploaded to the server.

Satisfied with his work will continue to add new product pages each month. Although they may not heed the rules in web design as easy navigation, the speed of access and viewing.

Who are dissatisfied will hire a web developer to design its website. Finished work and then uploaded. We have created a program that allows web developers by web site owners to easily enter new product data. Looks interesting instead.
Owner designnya satisfied with, then hope there will be a new site visit and make a purchase.

But far from expectations in one month no incoming email at all. The site owner may need time to think, then wait 2 months 3 months a year, how a visit to our site was minimal when the products we sell is very interesting.

In desperation many of the site owner closed the site in the next year.
But some who realized his mistake will learn about Internet Marketing.
The above often I find on some of my friends who tried to enter the Internet to market their products. The biggest mistake here is that you do not learn the Internet first. How do I find information on the Internet, or how to market a product on the Internet.

The majority of internet users find your site is through search engines like google or yahoo.Only a few who find your site in other ways such as finding your website address on another website, listed in your name card or accidentally type in your website address in your browser.

So if you want your website known, then the most effective way is to try your website appear in search engines. How? You can register your website address on each search engine or put a link in one of the other websites that have been registered.

Does finished up here? the answer is no. There are dozens or even thousands of competitors who sell the same products with you. According to statistics, 84% users search engines just open the pages 1 and 2, the order of 1-20 for the market. So if your website is not in the order of 1-20 it would be very unlikely to visit your website.

For that there are rules in the search engine that allows website perangkingan position for a market. The market in question here is the keyword or keywords. Keywords are words or phrases used someone to find something on the Internet. Example: nokia N70, sell house, or looking for soul mate? hehe.

There are other ways to get visitors from search engines, which is using paid advertising. That means we pay some money to bring our sites are at the ad. Maybe you've heard of Google Adword and Google Adsense.
These ads will appear on the right side of search pages on Google or on Google services like Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Reader. Also your ad will appear on other websites that display Google ads (this is called Google Adsense).

What merits? Of course, you will easily get visitors, and shortcomings are of course you have to pay some money for those ads. Usually you will be charged every 1-click to your ad, its value depends on you, usually the range of USD to 0.5.

But according to another study, 64% of search engine users never click on these ads. They are more interested in the search results or often called organic results. And you do not have to pay a penny to be able to appear in organic search results.

But the condition you should be able to place your website on top of your site's search results.That's why the seo or search engine optimization is used. Seo is used to optimize your website so your website at the top of Google.

Seo has 2 important components of keywords and a link or links. The selection of good keywords will allow you to reach the top in Google. And the link will help determine the popularity of your website. Surely not make sense if many other websites that reference your website to the visitors of the website. This means your website popular with visitors the Internet.

Learn seo in the above two things you need to learn more deeply. How do I choose the right keywords, how to put your keywords in the content or pages on your website, how do I make a good navigation on your website so that users can find all the pages on your website, and how to build link popularity so that your website links good .

I could not have explained at length here about seo, because this article aims to give an idea of what is seo, so you can determine the next step and achieve success in marketing your great product.

07 October 2009

About me

Hary my name .. just call me " ai' " or vanzue..I'm just a people who wants to continue the work and work with any condition was... I want to share knowledge with you... about photography...learn CISCO...Blogging...Graphic Design...all about IT ..and discussion,if i have any question about Technology Information..share your science with me..add my account :
FB : devanz_boyz@yahoo.com
YM : hardjoe_not
thx friend....see u there